EPIC4 Culture | EPIC4 Specialty Partners
EPIC4 Specialty Partners

EPIC4 Culture

It's who we are. It defines what we look for in our partners.


WE have partnered to form a dynamic team with a “WE not ME” mindset. The founders believe sharing best practices and supporting each other accelerates professional and personal growth. We will continue to invest in each other and strive to attract and add more like-minded doctors to the team.


WE are committed to excellence in all things we do. Our systems and infrastructure provide support for our doctors and teams to grow and achieve at the highest levels, both clinically and administratively. In addition, we honor our relationships by communicating with respect and integrity at all times.


WE aspire to grow intelligently, intentionally and together at EPIC4. As our partner numbers increase, so does our strength. We grow through consistently educating ourselves and through a unified commitment to share, learn and improve with the common goal of making EPIC4 the leader in our profession.


WE regard our partnership in EPIC4 as both a privilege and an honor. Being of service with our colleagues only enhances our experience as dental specialists and brings pride and fulfillment to our journey. We cherish and respect those who mentored us as we join together to take on the future.


WE are pioneers who have created the first-ever Specialty Partnership Organization (SPO). We believe a special vision and effort are required to plan for the long game, so we broke the mold and took our time to design a truly unique organization. EPIC4 is a rare company designed for sustainable excellence...designed for legacy.