FAQ | EPIC4 Specialty Partners
EPIC4 Specialty Partners


Frequently Asked Questions


Absolutely! Our Business Development representatives will be available to walk you through this process, and provide a rough model of how equity may increase in value, and what this means for you


As an EPIC4 partner, you are exactly that... a partner. All eligible associate partners (those who are not working for competitors and who have completed the onboarding process) are awarded equity in EPIC4 that has the potential to significantly grow in value. In addition, EPIC4 has other investment opportunities that are designed to kickstart wealth accumulation, and provide relief from the crushing student debt facing many young orthodontists. Our goal is to provide a stable and achievable financial picture that alleviates the fears of going it alone.


With over 40% of our founders being female, and most of them being mothers and spouses, providing a life-work balance for our female partners is a fundamental tenet of the EPIC4 structure.   The majority of dental school and dental specialty graduates are now women.  Providing a flexible and supportive career path is paramount to the vision of EPIC4, and vital to perpetuate our profession.  Whether you want to work full time or part time, we have ownership options for you!


Congratulations! The easiest way to get started is to reach out to us via the Contact page on our website. We will review your information an schedule a call/ZOOM meeting at the earliest mutually agreeable time.


Associate retention, and ultimate doctor replacement is one the core principals of EPIC4. Realizing the difficulty in attracting, and retaining quality associates is what helped lay our foundation. Our solution? Every doctor is a partner! Your associates will be granted equity in EPIC4, and have opportunities to grow within and along side of EPIC4. In addition, they will have a robust benefits package that may not be available to them at this time.


The single largest differentiator is that EPIC4 is a Specialty Partnership Organization--the first of its kind. Every doctor is an equity share holder in EPIC4, and therefore participates in our collective growth and increase in value. Additionally, we are "specialists in specialists". We know that you have very different needs than does a general dentist and our expertise is all specialist driven.


EPIC4 presents an excellent opportunity for you to jump-start your career. In addition to competitive compensation and a robust benefits package, all eligible associate partners are granted incented equity in EPIC4. This equity provides the foundation for wealth creation at a much earlier stage of your career.


You have endured practice debt and the associated risk with practicing on your own. You are grinding away on your own, year after year, and realize looking back that you spend so much time at the office outside of patient care. Your equity in your practice sits there earning no interest, and you are making active income which is taxed at the highest rates. Now, imagine that you join a team where the administrative hours you used to spend in the office can now be largely spent at home with your family. You can pay off your debts with cash you receive upfront and earn interest on the excess money, and now your remaining equity is attached to one of the fastest growing specialty organizations where it can grow exponentially. This growth happens at capital gains rates and all contributes to the generation of your wealth. Alongside these benefits, you can maintain autonomy in your practice and do what you want and hire who you want. Plus, you get the benefit of shortening your learning curve and learning from doctors who themselves have learned from some of the nation's top clinicians. Joining a group like EPIC4 beats solo practice on so many levels. You will be part of something bigger!


EPIC4 will provide you with all of the support you need to complete the task. While the information is voluminous, the exercise provides you insight into your practice that you most likely do not have right now. Even if you decide that partnering with EPIC4 is not appropriate for you at this time, you will be armed with information about your practice that will allow you to make sound business decisions moving forward. 


The quick answer is "YES"! Unfortunately, too many of our colleagues wait until it is too late to plan an exit strategy. Let's face it, your practice is your baby and your biggest asset. EPIC4 can allow you to realize the maximum value of your blood, sweat and tears. More importantly, finding the doctor to replace you at the chair and maintain your legacy is as critical to EPIC4 as it is to you.


EPIC4 was created by founders whose motto has been "Success through Sharing." This mindset has been instilled through decades of collective knowledge sharing without concern for competitive recourse. If you have a question, concern or unique situation, the odds are one of your EPIC4 partners has experienced it and can provide guidance and resources to help navigate and thrive.


One of EPIC4's foundational Pillars is clinical autonomy. Our founders are uncompromising with regards to quality clinical outcomes, and any outside influence that negatively impacts these outcomes is not tolerated. Clinical quality control and patient experience management will reside at the practice level while the administrative, financial and other management responsibilities are performed by EPIC4. We partner with successful doctors and want you to remain successful.


EPIC4's founders are primarily orthodontists, so that is the specialty of focus at this time. Several of our founders own pediatric dental practices, which will be our next focus. OMFS is also a likely area of expansion.


EBITDA is short for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. It is one of the most widely used measures of a company’s financial health. It is a clean picture of the core profit of a practice, and used as an "apples to apples" comparison for valuation. In short, EBIDTA is the universal measuring stick for practice valuation. EBITDA is not simply your net profit of your practice.


Every one of EPIC4's founders are clinicians in private practice.  They are former members of the Schulman Study Group, with many holding seats on the Board of Directors.  This diverse group of founders has known each other for many years, and have a bond of trust not found anywhere else in this realm.  What the founders are NOT is a loosely affiliated group of doctors and professionals from other industries.