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Sam Papandreas BSEng,DDS, MS

Founding Doctor

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Why EPIC4?

Faith, family, friends has always been my order of the day every day. EPIC4 has taken my colleagues who were friends and made them family. In life, where personal and professional change and challenge is the norm, that connection with family has proven time and time again an invaluable support system. EPIC4 has formalized that relationship for all to see and join in with and I am excited to be a part of that foundation now and into the future. For me that future additionally includes a daughter in dental school and her eye on specializing. EPIC4 creates a legacy for her to carry on that ensures a bright, prosperous, and balanced career.

Fun Fact

Living on Lake Erie, boating is a passion, and having traveled by boat to all 5 great lakes I can confirm that while each is amazing Lake Erie is tops (no bias here).

Sam Papandreas Bio

Dr. Sam Papandreas has been practicing in northeast Ohio for over 25 years. An engineering graduate from the University of Illinois, he found the logical union of engineering and dentistry in the field of orthodontics. A valedictorian of Loyola School of Dentistry, he obtained his orthodontic speciality training and Masters of Science at Baylor University. Dr. Papandreas has always looked to use his engineering background to further dentistry, having been a founder of the first online application for managing patient records and collaboration amongst a team of providers. Dr. Papandreas helped design the first patient treatment card written in Windows, is a recipient of the Lincoln Arc Welding Award for outstanding engineering research, is a US Patent holder, and has served as adjunct orthodontic faculty at Case Western Reserve and as a board member of the Schulman Study Group--all good stuff, but all of which pale in comparison to his greatest achievement, having reached the rank of Dad.

Sam Papandreas
Sam Papandreas
Sam Papandreas
Sam Papandreas


EPIC4 ever...an incredible support system both professionally and personally for the constant all around us, which is change!

Sam Papandreas BSEng,DDS, MS

Founding Doctor